Kapitolia Auto House offers a wide range of vehicles (new and used cars, passenger, transportation and cargo vehicles, motorcycles, etc.). For the convenience of our clients, we offer additional services, as follows:
Kapitolia Auto House offers offers its clients the following types of sales:
- Direct sale (payment in cash or by bank transfer)
- Opportunity to exchange your current vehicle for a new one
- Option for deferred payment (on lease or according to a customized plan negotiated with the dealership)
- Consignment sale
Delivery of vehicles upon request
for the convenience of our clients Kapitolia Auto House offers delivery of vehicles chosen and ordered by the client. -
Kapitolia Auto House offers vehicles on leasing at the best market price..
List of necessary documents for approval of car leasing deal:
Natural Persons:
- Application form
- Copy of ID card of the lessee
- Certificate of income
- For income earned under labour agreement – an official certificate from the employer / form / and a valid certificate of the current legal status of the employer.
- For income from other activities - a copy of filed Tax Returns for the last calendar year, certified by the Tax Administration authorities.
- Offer for the leasing object by the provider
Legal entities:
- Application form
- Current statute, constituent act or company contract (depending on the type of the company)
- Certificate from the Commercial Register at the Registry Agency
- Copy of the ID card of the representatives (managing persons) of the company
- Minutes from the meeting of the managing body of the lessee with the decision to purchase the vehicle on leasing and to conclude the leasing contract with the leasing company (if necessary)
- Copy of tax registration
- Copy of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement for the last two years, as well as of the current period
- Copy of the tax return for the last year
- Offer for the leasing object by the provider
- Notary services
Kapitolia Auto House offers various notary services on the spot. - Registration at the Traffic Police Office:
For the convenience of its clients, Kapitolia Auto House offers representation at the Traffic Police Office. - Insurance
Kapitolia Auto House offers all kind of insurance policies according to the client’s desire and requirements and with all insurance companies. - Buy up
Kapitolia Auto House offers buy up of all kind of motor vehicles after inspection and evaluation on the spot. - Custom's services
Kapitolia Auto House offers custom’s services related to the import and export of motor vehicles.